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What should I do if I get stuck/lost somewhere?

The first thing to do when you are stuck somewhere or are lost is to calm down. Take a few deep breaths.

That's good! It's absolutely normal for you to be in such situations. Here, you need to be solution-oriented.

Here is what you should do!

First things first!

  1. Contact your EP Buddy:

Know that this person is someone you can count on. Contact him/her and inform them about your situation.

  1. Share your location with your EP Buddy :

First of all, always keep your location settings switched on; that way, it becomes easier to track your location. And share it with your EP buddy.

  1. Use your wits, Google:

Look around you. Do you see any signboards? Check your location on maps and figure out the place you are at. But remember to listen to what your EP buddy has to say.

  1. Always know where to head back:

Know the address or location of your stay so that you can get a cab or transportation safely back home

  1. In case of Emergencies go to the nearest Police Station :

Your buddy will make sure that your problem is solved but if it is a case of an emergency and the need of the hour, go to the nearest police station. But be sure to keep your buddy in the loop about it.

From the above statements, you must have understood the importance of having a Buddy, so make sure you are always in touch with yours. Contact your AIESEC home entity if the Host does not provide any information regarding the same.