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My job description is not the same one I applied for/ I am assigned work outside of my job description.

As per our policies, your Job Description can not be different than 50% of what you signed in the contract with AIESEC unless it was communicated to you and you agreed on the changes.

Suppose it is more than 50% different, or you are being asked to do activities utterly unrelated to your job description. In that case, you should first align with the person responsible for you inside your company or project.

If you're not satisfied with your work or the alignment of your expectations with the person responsible inside the company/project is not working, contact the person responsible for you in AIESEC. This can be on your host committee or your local committee in AIESEC in Egypt.

If they can not help you with this situation in 3 days, please contact the Entity Control Board on, and they will help you with this.