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I signed up, but no one is assigned to me as manager. What should I do now?

First, let's see where you can find your EP MANAGER pr Experience Manager? (EP

Manager-Exchange Participant Manager)

Step1: Go to your profile by clicking the round box available in the right corner.

Step2: On the left corner beneath your name, you can see the assigned EP Manager! OR

Scroll down in your profile; beneath the Resume column, you can see the EP Manager.


If you are not able to find the EP manager yet, Follow the below steps:

  • In such cases, you have to wait 1-2 days as every Exchange Participant is contacted in

an appropriate time-frame. However, if no manager is assigned to you.,

  • You can use our social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn and

explain to us about the situation.

NOTE: Once you will sign up & start applying for the opportunities, either a person from your home country or from the host country will contact you and will connect you to the

concerned person.